Marketing Video

Explain Your Business

How to Explain Your Business in 90 Seconds

Like they say, the shorter the better. Same is the scenario with explainer videos. One of the reasons of explainer videos being such a success is that they are short in length (standard 90 seconds) and convey the message in the most effective manner. The experts in the industry of explainer videos recommend that the explainer

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Explainer Video

5 Tips on Boosting Your Online Video Marketing

Having a video has numerous benefits. It not only increases your online presence but also your business’s SEO, helps in reaching out the highest amount of target audience, and attracts high number of prospects. Today, more and more brands are turning towards explainer videos for their marketing needs. It is not only the most attractive

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Explainer Video

Getting Value Out of Your Explainer Video

Explainer videos have become a great marketing tool. They make your marketing strategy stronger as compared to other marketing tools. Moreover, they explain your business, product, or service in an easy-to-understand manner to the general audience. This not only helps in getting your word out there, but also helps in brand awareness, improves your SEO, and

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Explainer Video

Whiteboard – The Most Attractive Style of Explainer Videos

Whiteboard videos are one of the most attractive styles of explainer videos. In this style of explainer video, a human hand draws the illustration of the video. The feeling of human hand sketching makes the video exciting and attractive as compared to other styles of explainer videos. It is also a nice way to attract

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Explainer Video

Tips On Optimizing An Explainer Video for Social Media

The relationship of social media and video content is one of the strongest. Especially when it comes to animated explainer videos. People prefer watching videos as compared to text and pictures. Reason being that videos explain your message in a simple, easy to understand, attractive, and engaging manner.   Hundreds and thousands of people watch

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Video Production Company

In-House, Freelancer or Video Production Company – Which is Better?

In recent years, the field of animated explainer videos has become really vast. We can now see hundreds of explainer video companies and freelancers out there in the market producing animated explainer videos. But the problem is that not all of them are up to the mark. You can either get the job done or actually produce

In-House, Freelancer or Video Production Company – Which is Better? Read More »
